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"Did I tell you that my students were also my teachers and heroes?" |
Barb Guthrie has no doubt it was God who led her to Sugar Grove Church. When she moved to Goshen in 2008, her hairstylist suggest SGC to her and, after trying out another church that didn't seem the right fit, Barb decided to try SGC. "The overwhelming love of God oozes from Sugar Grove Church, through individuals, outreach ministries, the messages, and friendships made. The Holy Spirit regins and there is no better reason for me to remain," she comments. Barb is excited about what God is doing, how He is showing Himself, and she looks forward to becoming more and more a part of the SGC ministry as a whole. "Wild horses and golden chariots could not steal me away at this point in my life!"
Growing up with two brothers and two sisters, Barb was first exposed to Christianity when she was six years old and her father decided the family needed to attend church. She clearly remembers the night when, at age seven, she lay awake in bed talking with the "Jesus" she had learned so much about in Sunday school. "I felt His very strong 'knock.'" She found her mother still up, crocheting, as Barb's dad worked the late shift. "I went downstairs to Mom, with tears streaming and simply told her, 'I need to ask Jesus into my heart.'" Barb's life changed forever that night as she listened to Scripture and was led in prayer, and the Holy Spirit filled her heart. "I've often wondered how a 7-year-old could have such an overwhelming experience and life-change," she reflects. "But that's our God! He's in the business of gathering His flock, regardless of age, background, culture or race."
Unfortunately, Barb recalls that her "Christian home" took a turn for the worst a few years later when her parents allowed some disappointments to cause them to pull the family out of church. "It wasn't until I was 18 that God's amazing grace drew me back to Him." In the course of her family's life so far, her father, now deceased, is the only one, other than herself, to have completely turned back to the Lord. "To this day, he remains my hero for turning his eyes upon Jesus once again," she declares.
Though she never thought she would be a missionary, Barb spent nearly three years in Malawi, Africa. She explains, "Sometimes when you say, 'no,' and He says, 'yes,' you learn some very hard but growing lessons. The whole experience, from the time I first acknowledged His call to the area of overseas missions, was another total turn in life." She learned a great deal and witnessed many miracles during her time in Africa. She faced very tough and life threatening times on the field, but testifies that the blessings far outweighed the hard times. "I would not trade those years for anything," she proclaims.
Barb returned to the States in 2007, and is currently an Insurance Specialist for a medical practice in Goshen. She loves being outdoors, and that's where you will find her most of the summer months when she is not at work. Bike-riding, walking and hiking are some of the activities she enjoys most. She also loves festivals and fairs, reading and Bible study. "I suppose you could say I'm always wanting to peek around the corner to see what's next," she says. Barb enjoys people and cherishes all the friends God has blessed her with--from every place He has planted her during various periods of her life.
When asked about her seemingly calm and restful approach to life, Barb quotes something she heard not long ago that she sees as describing her life since coming back to the States from Africa: "I have sprinted from a multitude of activity to a marathon of patience." She acknowledges that after being on the mission field 24/7 for nearly three years, back in the states she sometimes wonders what God wants her to do here. "Very recently, I felt Him touch my shoulders and say, 'Patience! Why do you feel you always need to be doing? This is a time to be . . . to listen . . . to witness. Share the messages I have taught you from the messes.'" Barb is now grateful to be sharing her life with all of you! "My life and heart are so full of His love, grace and faithfulness. I can never give back enough."
A favorite Bible verse, close to Barb's heart because it is a favorite of one of her former African students, is Jeremiah 29:11. She believes that if anyone takes this verse to heart, it is they who live in mud huts with scarce food and no electricity; those who walk to school, two miles each way for some, every day, because they know it is God Who provides for them and has a plan for each of their lives. "Did I tell you that my students were also my teachers and heroes?" she remarks.
Barb also loves another, "less traditional" verse, John 17:24: "Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world." (ESV) She encourages, "How could we not be touched by such a loving plea from Jesus to His Father for you and me?"
A final thought Barb wanted to share with us: "I have to tell you that every turn and every change is a complete story in itself. And it's only the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully, we can all look back and forward at our lives as such. I pray many blessings upon all of my new SGC family and give thanks for each and every one."