Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Erin Baranic

By Julie Overholt

Fall is in the air! A changing of the seasons, and a perfect time of the year to get to know a fellow sister in Christ at Sugar Grove Church! So, grab your cup of coffee or tea, throw on a scarf and some boots and let's take a walk with Erin Baranic while we enjoy some brightly colored leaves crunching underfoot.

Fall is Erin's favorite season. Her "thankful list" for this season includes cool temperatures, beautiful leaves, football season, and bonfires. Thanksgiving is her favorite holiday because of quality time with family, great food, (hear, hear!) ;) and the reminder it brings to count our blessings and to be thankful.

Erin is originally from Stow, OH (near Cleveland) and grew up in a Christian church. "Although I was raised in a Christian church, I didn't come to know Christ personally until I was a sophomore in high school. A friend of mine invited me to her youth group, where I heard about Christ in a new way and met teens who were genuine and enthusiastic about their faith. Through great Christian friendships and mentoring relationships with adult leaders, my faith grew immensely, and I was baptized several months later."

Erin's father has influenced her life greatly as well. "He came to know Christ when I was a junior in high school, and I witnessed God change him from the inside out. He is now such a strong man of God, and his unwavering faith is a constant reminder to me of the importance of humility, generosity, and thankfulness, even in difficult times."

Several verses from Philippians have become a treasure to Erin's heart and are found in chapter 4, verses 4-8: "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

Experiencing and seeing the power of youth ministry in her own life has compelled Erin to join in student ministry at Sugar Grove. "I really enjoy helping out with Crossfire at SGC." Her influence is making a difference! One middle school Crossfire student described her this way: "She really cares about what is going on in your life and takes the time to ask about your extracurricular activities and what is important to you. She is so nice and caring and is easy to talk to." Thank you Erin, for your commitment to helping the youth of Sugar Grove. Your gentleness really IS evident to all!

Erin has been attending Sugar Grove for four years. She is married to Brett and they have celebrated two years of marriage together. She is currently employed at Goshen Middle School as an eighth grade English teacher.

When I asked what makes Erin laugh, she says the medicine of laughter in her life comes from her husband, their dog, ("we love her," she says, "but we're convinced she's slightly crazy!") :) and her middle school students that she teaches.

When she has free time or is taking time for herself, Erin enjoys reading, running, traveling, spending time with family and friends, and watching Detroit Tigers baseball.

Before we finish our walk, here's some quick "popcorn trivia" to get to know Erin even better:

Q: Tomboy or princess?
A: My husband would say princess because it takes me so long to get ready. :)
Q: Coffee or tea?
A: Coffee, every morning!
Q: Salty or sweet?
A: Sweet
Q: Morning person or night person?
A: Morning
Q: Three words to describe yourself?
A: Hard-working, thoughtful, perfectionist.
Q: Oceanside or mountainside?
A: Oceanside. Life doesn't get much better than a lounge chair on the beach, listening to the waves. Although, I love to go hiking in the mountains, too!
Q: Heels or flats?
A: Depends on the location: school - heels; home or elsewhere - flats. :)

Thank you Erin, for giving us a glimpse into your life and for the reminder to enjoy this season of thankfulness and gratitude!

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