Monday, March 9, 2015

Nicole Maust

By Julie Overholt

We are so blessed at SGC to have women of all ages attending our church. It provides such a valuable balance of wisdom, experience, mentoring, and encouragement within the body of Christ when we all share with, and learn from, one another. This month I have the privilege of introducing you to one of the younger women, Nicole Maust. 

Nicole has been attending Sugar Grove since June of 2010. She was introduced to Monica Yoder who encouraged her to check out the young adult ministry at Sugar Grove. In December of the same year, she began co-leading the Crossfire high school senior girls. Nicole continues to serve in Crossfire and is working with the freshman ladies, planning to follow them up through graduation.  She also enjoys volunteering in the café and participating in the young women’s cooking/Bible study.

Nicole and her husband Cory celebrated their second wedding anniversary this past December.  Their story of how they met and started dating is one that Nicole loves to share. Her family has been vacationing at a Christian family camp called Little Eden, located in Onekama, Michigan, for 14 years. In the summer of 2010, her mom (of all people, she says) noticed a young man on staff and pointed him out to Nicole. At the time, she wasn’t interested in a relationship, so the suggestion was casually shrugged off. 

The next year rolled around and Nicole’s mother “not so subtly” pointed him out for the second year in a row. “I was much more interested this time around.  My mom made some connections with his home town and where my grandpa grew up, and began small talk. I tuned in and got his name for later to check if he was single on Facebook. Much to my surprise, he was!” Without much time to interact with staff, she invited Cory to play sand volleyball with her brother and their friends. They hit it off and spent several hours that evening on the boat dock getting to know each other. They had to say goodbyes the following day, but he asked for her number and promised to stay in touch. He did just that and they began dating over the next few months. 

The following year, Cory came with their family as a camper instead of staff. He took Nicole out on the third night of camping to walk along the boardwalk, and proposed. “We got to share the news later on that evening with all of our closest family and friends! We felt truly blessed."

"As for keeping love alive in our marriage, we make time to still date each other. Being spontaneous can be challenging for my personality, but it certainly helps to keep that certain love element alive. We are also intentional about spending enough time doing the things that the other enjoys as well.” 

Nicole and Cory don’t have any children yet, but they do hope to someday! She currently is a full time dental hygienist, working in two different dental offices – one in Topeka (Community Dental Clinic), and the other in Elkhart (Heart City Health Center).

Nicole was born and raised in Gibson City, a small farming town in Central Illinois. “Growing up in the church and being surrounded with a Christ-centered family, I have been blessed to know the Lord ever since I can remember. I took my faith as my own when I was 9 years old and heard the gospel from a minister who shared about his passion working with local prisoners. I was baptized that same year.” Nicole said she stood strong in her faith throughout her middle school and high school years as well as into college where she found a church to attend while away from home. “However, I didn’t surround myself with college friends who had the same convictions as I did and their actions soon began impacting my walk with the Lord. I chose to partake in things during those first few years in college that I regret and later had to ask for forgiveness and healing from the Lord.” After several years had passed, she began refocusing her life on what really mattered. She was blessed to have godly counsel and wisdom spoken into her life that enabled her to recognize that she truly was forgiven. Since then, she has been able to let God use her to speak truth into other young women’s lives, sharing the importance of seeking out intentional relationships with other godly women.

Part of the wonderful advice she has for young women: “God has blessed us with the responsibility of being our husband’s helper for those of us who are married. And for those who are not yet married, take time to thank God for the opportunities He has given you to serve Him without distraction. I know that I had to be patient and wait on God’s timing before I found my husband, but in that time I was able to focus on ways to serve the Lord. I pray that this can be an encouraging word to those who read it.”

A defining moment for Nicole occurred when she shared her testimony for the first time at Crossfire (high school) one evening. “I wrestled with sharing my personal story for a long time, but God worked on my heart and gave me the strength to share. I have since then been able to relate to a small number of students who have shared their struggles with me. I hold onto the truth that the Lord’s grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in weakness.” Words that are spoken in Nicole’s favorite verses out of 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10: But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. “I so often feel like I need to be able to ‘do it on my own,' yet this reminds me over and over that I can’t  - but in my weakness Christ has made me strong.”

In her free time, Nicole enjoys scrapbooking and taking photos, card making, reading, and volleyball. Summer is a favorite season for her as well. “I can’t get enough of the sunshine and long evenings outside!” She says that something you may not know about her is that she looks stunning in Amish attire! Nicole worked at the Blue Gate for about a year prior to getting a job at the dental office. :)

What makes you laugh? Listening to my hubby sing his own lyrics to songs while doing stuff around the house!
Three words to describe yourself: loving, personable, conscientious
Shy or outgoing? Outgoing
Tomboy of princess? A good mix of both!
Coffee or tea? Tea
Oceanside or mountainside? Oceanside
The perfect meal? Monical’s Pizza (local to central Illinois)
Worst food ever? Mincemeat pie. I’ve never eaten it, but I had to warm it up and serve it at the Blue Gate
Morning person or night owl? Morning
I’d love to travel to: Africa and go on a safari
Listen, read, or watch to learn: Watch
Favorite Bible character: Ruth
3 Things that bring peace to your life and/or help you relax: A big bubble bath, sitting in the hammock/porch swing, and spending time with friends playing games.

Thank you Nicole, for sharing your heart and service with the ladies of SGC! May He continue to bless you as you glorify Him with your testimony.

Last week I pulled up to a stop sign on the way to taking my daughters to school. I glanced both ways and when I looked right, there were 6-7 robins underneath a tree right beside the car. That, my dear sisters, testifies to the promise of spring! I did some rejoicing! Whatever season you may find yourself in right now – perhaps it seems like an endless season – may you find new hope that He will fulfill His purposes for you in it, using your testimony for His glory, His strength made perfect in your weakness.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Trish Martin

By Julie Overholt

Hi ladies,

This month I am privileged to introduce you to a lady that has joined our kids' ministry team and exudes a contagious passion to serve the precious preschoolers of Sugar Grove Church.  

Trish and her family have been attending Sugar Grove for about three years. “Sugar Grove felt like a ‘safe place to land’ for me. When Pastor Rick came back from his sabbatical, we heard him speak that Sunday, and my husband said, 'We’re tithing here!' After that, we began to make SGC home.” Since attending, Trish and her family have gotten involved in some work days, and Trish volunteered in the preschool department. She also was able to travel to Nicaragua last year with the Missions Team, and since this past November, she has had the privilege of taking on the position of Preschool Director at SGC.**

Trish and her husband Mike have been married since 2007. They met through Mike’s brother and sister-in-law, who attended church with Trish. About a year after they started dating, Mike and Trish were married at a church picnic. “We both wore jeans! It was a wonderful day, and we honeymooned in Nicaragua.” They have two boys who are ten years apart. Mike adopted their oldest son Matthew (16) when they were married, and their youngest son, Josh (6), loves to worship to Toby Mac.

“Marriage isn’t really my comfort zone. I am very independent and have to work at putting someone else’s needs above my own. I have learned that when I pray about my marriage and my part in keeping it healthy, and give my husband’s part to the Lord, I am happier with the outcome. It is rewarding to see my husband talk to others about the Lord.”

Trish was born in Illinois to Canadian parents, then raised in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Raised in a strong Christian family, she credits her mother’s family for being very influential in her life, with strong fundamental roots. Her father was an elder in a non-denominational church that met in the school Trish attended. Communion services were held in their family’s basement. Trish accepted Christ as a young girl sitting on her grandpa’s lap in her grandparents' big yellow easy chair. At the time, it was a logical and expected decision for Trish. “I think I knew then that Jesus wanted me. I just didn’t know He was supposed to have an effect on my life.”  

 Trish’s life became very predictable after that. “Really, the only time I felt I had a relationship with God was at summer camp, up in the Rocky Mountains. I felt I could hear God up there, surrounded by all of the beauty – but once I got home, He became distant to me. Eventually, I fell into the world and its ways. In college I lived with my boyfriend for several years and got pregnant. I found myself alone and in despair. I had to give up everything I knew and start over, in the remote land of Elkhart, Indiana.” 

God had Trish exactly where He wanted her when she came to Indiana. She attended Bible Study Fellowship in Goshen, just to have something to do for the time. She wasn’t really motivated, but kept going, taking little Matthew with her. “One day, Jeannie Bigler, the main speaker, was sharing about Jewish weddings. She said in a Jewish wedding the bride is waiting, while the groom walks toward her. I realized I had not said yes to Jesus! He was waiting for me! I could hardly speak. Tears were unstoppable as I tried to explain to Jeannie what words could not express. I had crossed over from death and sin to new life – a changed person!”

One of Trish’s favorite verses is found in Jeremiah 29:12. “After it says, ‘For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord,’ in verse 11, it goes on to say, ‘You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord.’ I feel like I am on a lifetime journey to find God.” For right now, her favorite verse is John 6:9: “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”

“I feel like that in serving God, there are two truths I need to always keep in front of me: 1. How little I am, and 2. How extremely perfect and awesome He is. I can provide only a rescued vessel. It is up to Him to fill it and use it for His glory.”

Trish loves serving as an advocate for people. She has a dual citizenship, and graduated from McGill University in Montreal, Quebec with a degree in education. She has most enjoyed those jobs where she can speak up for her students, whether children or women/parents, those trying to start their lives over, or anyone who feels victimized or betrayed. She has taught in childcare, preschools, grade school, summer camps, worked with middle school girls, high school youth, neighborhood community members, GED students, and women in a rehabilitation home. She also loves to edit writing and photos and is passionate about children and moms. When I asked Trish what her advice would be for young women or mothers, she gave us wonderful advice: Fall in love with Jesus!

In her free time, Trish enjoys nature and being outdoors.

Favorite season/holiday: Fall/Thanksgiving
What makes you laugh: Almost anything! Silly stuff mostly. 
Three words to describe yourself: Thoughtful, loyal, high expectations
Shy or outgoing? Both…probably more outgoing
Tomboy or princess? Definitely unprincess! I am outdoorsy, but not really a tomboy.
Coffee or tea? Coffee, except when only tea will do.
Oceanside or mountainside? YES to both!
The perfect meal: Rachel’s bread and hummus.
Worst food ever? Pumpkin pie or Brussels sprouts.
Morning person or night owl? Night owl
I’d love to travel to: France or New Zealand. But my friend is teaching in Morocco now and I’d like to go there, too!
Listen, read, or watch to learn: I learn by doing.
Favorite Bible character: Peter
3 Things that bring peace to your life and/or help you relax: Music, the Electric Brew, walking outside in the woods. (NOT on a treadmill!)

Thank you so much, Trish, for sharing a part of your life with us! And, thank you for being willing to dedicate your time and energy to serve and organize the care of the precious little people of SGC.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” –Matthew 19:14

And He said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” “And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.”
– Matthew 18: 3,5

This month, may we all celebrate the love the Father has lavished on us – that we should be called HIS children. And that is what we are. – I John 3:1


**Note from Trish:  Last night I attended the Revive Indiana meetings at Maple City Chapel. I was impressed to see the whole evening was staffed by the volunteers of First Baptist Church. I love the way these meetings have served to bridge the gap between churches. I was signing up my son for childcare and I mentioned that I directed the preschool program at SGC. The woman I was speaking with was quick to say, “We’ve heard about you volunteers. Sugar Grove has great volunteers!” Well, I know that. And if you are a volunteer at Sugar Grove, you know that. The people I have serving on my teams right now are some of the most faithful, dedicated, and kind people I have met. Many of them serve in multiple areas. But my situation right now is urgent.

I need more people.

Sugar Grove is growing, as you know. We also are growing because families are growing. Babies are being born, and these babies grow into preschoolers faster than most of us like to admit. So, if you are not serving anywhere right now and you would like to start, please consider our preschool department. I am not going to say it is the easiest place to volunteer, as a matter of fact, it may one of the most time-consuming commitments. It will take your brain, your body, and your heart! But, it is so rewarding to see these kids shine! Believe me, you will not be disappointed!

Come, and introduce a child to Jesus.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Laurie Ness

By Julie Overholt

Hi ladies,

The month of December sure has been a surprise for me. I must admit I wasn’t expecting the mild temperatures we experienced! Temperatures will fall again I’m sure though, as January seems to be the chosen month for frigid temps around here. :) While cold weather can be inevitable, it also can be a good reminder for us to check our hearts, to measure the temperature of the love that resides there. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:12 that the closer we come to Christ’s return, the love of many will grow cold.

Part of guarding our hearts against the cold can include being challenged and encouraged by fellow believers. This month I want to introduce you to the special lady behind the encouraging and challenging words you read every month on this very blog! I know that many of you look forward to her monthly devotional that is published on the SGC women’s blog.   

Laurie and her husband Kevin have been attending Sugar Grove for about 21 years. They hadn’t lived in the Goshen area for very long before literally searching the yellow pages for churches to try. The Sugar Grove name sounded very familiar, and when they visited the church, Laurie knew why. Behind them, she heard, “I know you!” Laurie turned around to see Carlene (Perdue at the time) -who she knew from Moody Bible Institute – and her then fiancé, Paul Eager. Laurie says that even before they talked to Carlene and Paul, they felt so welcomed. Kerry Glassman was the first person to greet them, show them around, and introduced them to people. Either the first or second Sunday that they visited SGC they also attended an adult Sunday school class, and a couple invited them over for Sunday dinner after church. The friendliness and care of the congregation was definitely a big draw for them!

Laurie loves children, so naturally she has been involved with the kids at SGC from the beginning. She has consistently taught in the 2- and 3-year-olds class since then, as well as helping out whenever she can in VBS, the nursery, and Cubbies. ("Oh how that Cubbie Bear made me laugh when I was supposed to be teaching the Bible story!") She started on the Library committee way back with a precious group of ladies who are now with the Lord (like Carolyn Inbody, Gladys Zimmerman, and Bertha Lynn) and eventually found herself the team leader of the Resource Center. Laurie has also written for the printed women’s publication, “Heads Up,” which morphed into the SGC Women’s online blog, for which she currently writes and edits.

Laurie and Kevin have been married for 25 years. They met in the Student Dining Room at Moody Bible Institute. “The first day of my second semester there, this guy with a mustache sat down next to me at  dinner. He was one of the new guys on my "Brother Floor," but I was busy pining away for this guy from the previous semester, who chose to go backpacking through Europe rather than stay at school with me. (We actually had no understanding, but still…) I was polite to Kevin that evening, but that was it. We became friends really quickly though, and I couldn’t deny the connection we had. Unfortunately, I was really afraid of true love for some reason. Kevin, bless his heart, continued to gently pursue me until my love for him was greater than my fear of it.”

Kevin and Laurie have one son, Elijah (12), whom they adopted when he was a toddler. “Elijah is a wonderful blessing from God. God has taught me so much through motherhood. We waited so long for him, and tried to prepare ourselves for parenthood, but nothing really prepares you! It’s an amazing journey!”

When I asked Laurie what keeps love alive in their marriage, Laurie attributed a large part of it to prayer and surrender to the Lord.  She states that Kevin has been so diligent since day one about praying with her at the beginning and end of each day. “We made a pact at the beginning of our marriage that we would never discuss divorce as an option for the two of us. It’s a good thing, too, because I was really immature and selfish when we first married. I gave Kevin plenty of reasons to walk out if he had been a different kind of person.” Laurie also listed that giving up what you want for the sake of the other person is a big deal in marriage. “When the willingness is there, sometimes you don’t get your way and other times you do, but either way, there doesn’t have to be hard feelings. Forgiveness is key, and we’ve always had a rule that we don’t go to sleep angry – without working out our differences as much as possible that night.” Laughter too, plays a large part in their relationship. Kevin and Laurie have been through some really dark times in their life together, but they can always make the other one laugh and choose to look at the bright side of things!

Laurie originally grew up in Oak Lawn, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. At six years of age, her babysitter was over and Laurie didn’t want to go to sleep. She began to stall by asking her babysitter, Ruth, all kinds of questions. “God used even my rebellious motives to draw me to Himself. I was feeling guilty about stealing things from my friends’ desks in our first grade classroom, and though I think I knew the plan of salvation, I hadn’t made that choice yet. I began asking her about heaven and hell, and my heart was SO ready to be free in Jesus! I trusted Him that night. I didn’t understand all of the ramifications of that decision though (probably still don’t), and spent most of my childhood and teen years focusing on what I shouldn’t do because I was a Christian. It wasn’t until young adulthood that I finally got the concept of living a righteous life and serving Him out of gratitude and love for all that God had done for me, rather than trying to 'be good' in order to hold on to my salvation.”

Another defining moment in Laurie’s life was when she understood that joy is not a feeling, but an attitude, and that we can choose to experience joy even when our emotions don’t match up. This understanding proved to be life-changing in Laurie’s life.

Someone that influenced Laurie’s life greatly was her Grandma Hulse. “She lived a simple life and, though she had walked through some deeply sorrowful times before I was born, she showed no evidence of bitterness or anger toward God; or anyone else for that matter! She lovingly served people, without worrying about her own needs or desires – she trusted God to meet those. She almost always had an incredibly positive attitude, too. She’s been gone for a long time now, but her words about how there is something good in every situation, if you look for it, have lived on in my mind and heart, and I try to live by them still.”

Some Bible verses that are meaningful to Laurie relate to the subject of wisdom, particularly James 1:5: If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given Him.  “I just love James 1:5 because I am constantly in need of wisdom. How wonderful it is that God gives it to me freely without thinking I’m ridiculous! I also read the Proverbs often for the same reason. The wisdom to be found there is unbeatable! And I love the word pictures – some are really amusing and others so poignant.”

Laurie’s life has been colored with various jobs, the first being babysitting. She can’t remember how old she was when she started, but she babysat her own sisters and lots of other children during her teenage years. Other than that, her first regular job was in the apparel department at Kmart. When she was attending Moody Bible Institute, she worked in a hosiery shop in the Water Tower Place, loving it for the diversity of people she saw and the languages she heard. Additionally, she worked for an elderly woman  - a lady with a lovely combination of tough and sweet - who lived in an apartment on the Gold Coast. She cleaned for her, sorted meds, and did grocery shopping for her as well.  Since being married, Laurie has worked in special education, preschool education, and more babysitting.

These days, Laurie is an independent author of eBooks for teens and women, which is challenging and rewarding for her. It’s a dream-come-true, in an unexpected way! “Still surreal," she says.

In her spare time, Laurie’s hobbies and passions include writing and editing, encouraging people, cooking for people she loves, Bible study, and photography when she has time as well. “I also love to read, though it takes me forever to get through a book.” 

Laurie’s favorite holiday is Christmas. “It’s so nostalgic for me. I love the old movies, the old songs, and the memories of all of my sisters, my parents, and me in the same house carrying out all of our traditions each year. I like to try to remember these traditions, but also create new memories for my own household. I love the lights glowing on the snow and seeing families gather together as I pass their houses. It’s wonderful to celebrate Jesus’ birth, but I must admit I have to purposefully focus on that because the real purpose of Christmas can easily become lost in the distractions of the season.”

Something people may not know about you? More people know it now, I guess, because I’ve been using it as my author name, but my real name is Laurel.

What makes you laugh? My husband and son are hilarious! Their stories about things that have happened to them or things they have done just crack me up! Elijah’s sound effects enhance his stories even more.  Funny stories in general make me laugh, especially when someone trips on something (but doesn’t get hurt, of course!) or has an awkward moment they find amusing. I have dozens of those stories myself, and they make me laugh to recall them. I often find sarcasm really funny too, but in recent years I have made an effort to not be sarcastic myself. I definitely slip up on that sometimes, though!

The best thing about being a woman? Not being a man! I mean, I think it’s so cool that God made men and women differently, has different roles for each, and has gifted each accordingly. In my younger years, I was a bit of a “women’s libber,” but then God helped me understand that the only “liberation” I really needed, I already had. I don’t need to be a man, or try to act like one, to be important. God loves and values men and women equally.

Three words to describe yourself? Indecisive, caring, loyal
Shy or outgoing? An introvert who loves people!
Tomboy or princess? A tomboy who morphed into a princess.
Coffee or tea? Definitely tea.
Oceanside or mountainside? I love both.
The perfect meal? Mexican is my favorite.
Worst food ever: Beets and liver tie for the worst.
Morning person or night owl? I seriously go back and forth on this one!
I’d love to travel to: Prince Edward Island; The places the Ingalls family lived; Israel, Ireland
Listen, read, or watch to learn? All three
Favorite Bible character? The woman who touched Jesus’ robe
3 Things that bring peace to your life and/or help you relax? Writing, talking with a loved one, beautiful scenery.

Thank you Laurie, for allowing us to get to know you better! Thank you as well, for the time and effort you put forth to bless us with your words, as well as your creativity, as you publish the SGC women’s blog every month.

As we all head into a cold month, let’s remember to take extra precautions to guard our hearts against cold love and to encourage one another and build each other up as the opportunities arise. Encouragement warms hearts!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Dee Hurtle

By Julie Overholt

Hi ladies,

It is a privilege for me to be able to type out another interview for you all to get to know another fellow sister in Christ at Sugar Grove Church.  This month we will be meeting Dee Hurtle! So plug in the Christmas tree, grab a hot drink, and sit down by the fire (under a blanket, with your warm socks on) :) and listen in as Dee shares her story…  

Dee grew up at Sugar Grove and has been attending for 79 years! Her parents were members of the church and they attended regularly. She has been very active in church ministries over the years, including serving as a youth counselor with her late husband Chuck, teaching the 2-3 yr. old class with Sue Fields for 20+ years, serving on many women’s committees, and volunteering in the nursery. Presently, Dee serves as head of the kitchen (If you’ve ever eaten a meal served from the SGC kitchen you will certainly understand why she is in this position!), works in the Awana program, sends out material for the Home Department, and works in the Tabitha Circle.

Dee became widowed four years ago after almost 56 years of marriage, when her beloved husband Chuck passed away from cancer. “He was a great husband, father, and grandfather. He loved the Lord and we had a wonderful marriage.” Chuck and Dee went to Concord High School together and were neighbors as well. He also was a friend to Dee’s brother. “He wanted to date me, but I didn’t want to because my whole family wanted me to date him as well.” :) Chuck and Dee graduated from high school and Chuck again asked Dee for a date. Dee accepted, and says that after the first date she never turned back – as they became friends first, and then fell in love. They were married in the old Sugar Grove Church building.

When I asked Dee what helped to keep love alive in their marriage she said that they enjoyed doing things together. “I also loved doing special things for him. As well as trust, love, communication, and always being there for one another.” They were unable to have children of their own, but God blessed them with two children by adoption. Scott and his wife Deb live in North Vernon, IN, and a daughter Karla, who lives in Goshen.  Dee is also blessed with three grandchildren – Brock, Malory, and Jadyn. “Children and grandchildren are wonderful. Our family had lots of fun and have many good memories.”

Dee grew up on a farm just 1 ½ miles from SGC. She had one sister and six brothers. “We had a very interesting and busy life on the farm. We all had jobs to do. The boys worked on the farm and milked cows. My sister Carol and I gathered eggs, worked in the garden, and did housework. My brothers were all basketball players for Concord, where we all went to school. My dad was our bus driver.” Dee was very active in extracurricular activities during her school years. Something you may not know about Dee is that she had the lead part in both her junior and senior class plays in high school.  She played the clarinet in the band, was a cheerleader, was the editor for the school newspaper, worked in the school bookstore, and also won the Citizenship Award. After graduation, Dee began her first job in the office at Elkhart Brass. She then went to the factory of C.T.S. in Elkhart, before becoming the manager of the Concord Community Schools cafeteria for 30 years. She retired from this position in 1999, then taking over the kitchen at SGC. “I love doing it!”

Dee shared that she was very fortunate to have special people in her life that pointed the way to Christ as she grew up. “A very special lady, who’s name was Madge Lockwood, was in charge of Jr. Church. She was a very loving, caring, good Christian lady, who taught me a lot and made us as children feel very special. We attended Jr. Church while our parents were in the church service. We sang songs, learned Bible verses, and Mrs. Lockwood gave the Bible story.

"The invitation to accept Jesus was given often, so I knew the plan of salvation. I also had a couple other great Sunday School teachers, Christine and Frank Lynn. They were caring and very helpful and taught me many things. Also, Rev. C.S. Priest was my pastor and he gave the invitation to be saved many times, but I didn’t respond. Back then, when an invitation was given, you were to go forward in front of all the people and I had a fear of doing that. I thought I was a good person, but I knew you couldn’t get to Heaven by good works.

"Years ago we would have an evangelist come to hold meetings each night for one week. When I was a teenager, Rev. Veneroff came for these meetings. He was very interesting and got me to thinking. He gave an invitation at the beginning of the week, but I didn’t respond. During the week I was really being convicted and when he gave another invitation, I went forward and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. What a great peace came over me! I am so thankful for Sugar Grove Church, which has always preached from the Word of God. They always have, and still are! That is why I’m still here. Praise God.”

Some verses that are especially meaningful to Dee include:
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this.
Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

“These verses help me commit, trust, and remember to always pray about things.”

In her spare time, Dee enjoys reading and knitting. She also makes mints for showers, weddings, graduations, or parties. Her favorite holiday is Christmas because it is Jesus’ birthday. She also loves the hustle and bustle of shopping, the beautiful lights, glistening snow, and the Christmas music.

Quick Questions:

What is the best part about being a woman? That God made me this way! I also love being a mother and grandmother.
What makes you laugh? Happy people, people with a good sense of humor.
Three words to describe yourself: Loving, caring, and giving.
Shy or outgoing? Outgoing
Tomboy or princess? Tomboy
Coffee or tea? Coffee
Oceanside or mountainside? Oceanside
The perfect meal? Olive Garden
Worst food ever? Oysters
Morning person or night owl? Both!
I’d love to travel to: Hawaii
Listen, read, or watch to learn? Listen and watch
Favorite Bible character? Paul
3 Things that bring peace to your life and/or help you relax? Reading the Word, reading books, and helping others.

Thank you Dee, for sharing your life with us and for serving the people of SGC so faithfully!
And ladies, may the Good News of Great Joy come to your hearts and fill you in a special way this Christmas season.

Luke 2:10-11
But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is Christ the Lord.”


Monday, November 3, 2014

Rolonda Graber

By Julie Overholt

The Graber family

Hi ladies!

Seasons come and go so quickly! I am currently sitting here typing this in my warm and comfy clothes, with warm socks on my feet and a fuzzy blanket over me. Chilly weather and falling leaves mean it’s time to meet a new friend from SGC! :) I am happy to introduce you to Rolonda Graber. 

Rolonda and her family have been attending Sugar Grove for close to three years.  Their family first began to become acquainted with SGC through several of the programs offered here. Within a few months' time, Rolonda joined a Beth Moore women’s Bible study, began bringing a son to AWANA, and a daughter started attending Crossfire. They eventually visited on a Sunday morning, loved the worship, and felt Pastor Rick’s sermons were great. It didn’t take long for them to commit and begin attending regularly.

Rolonda has been involved with the First Impressions team, enjoys working in the café, and just recently has become involved with the women’s ministry team. “I love to make other people feel special. It excites me when I can figure out someone’s love language and then get to bless them in that way. I have always loved the diversity we women can bring and am excited to be a part of the women’s ministry team. I see and hear often, the many hurts and struggles we all have. I feel it helps when we can share these things and in turn be there for each other. My hope is that we can bond together and build each other up through spending time together and just having some fun.” 

Rolonda was raised in Middlebury, living on the same farm and growing up in the same house that her father grew up in. She met her husband Ted at a friend’s house at the end of her senior year in high school. They dated for about a year, until Rolonda moved to Florida. She lived there for a year-and-a-half and found herself drawn to Ted each time she visited home. She ended up moving back to be with him and they have celebrated twenty years of marriage together.

Ted and Rolonda have been blessed with four children: 18 year old twin daughters, Alexis and Kelsey; and two sons, Conner – who is 15 yrs., and Jackson – who is 11 years old.  Their family has undergone a huge transition this year with their girls graduating high school and leaving home. Kelsey is attending Bethel College in Mishawaka, and Alexis is in Fiji doing a gap year program. “It’s been a huge adjustment for me! I miss them a lot and miss having my whole family under my roof every night, but I’m happy for them and the things that are ahead of them.”

Family is important to the Grabers. Ted and Rolonda each come from a family of six and now live within a few miles of all but one of the siblings. She loves having so many cousins close by for her kids to grow up with!

Rolonda has loved being able to spend most of the last eighteen years as a stay at home mom. She has always said it is/was the hardest, and best job she’s ever had! She recently has started working part time at a home health care agency called Firefly. Working as a home care giver, she goes into different homes and helps with the daily care of people who have a hard time living alone, but aren’t yet ready to go into a nursing home. “I have really been enjoying it! It’s been rewarding to help make their lives easier and brighter. I have been feeling it’s my ministry right now as I try to talk with them about my faith when I can – reminding them how special they are and how much God loves them.”

Rolonda grew up in a Mennonite church and was baptized when she was twelve years old. “I got off-track for a number of years in my late teens and learned some hard lessons. As I started having children, I felt Him drawing me back to Him and I really started searching. I got invited to a Bible Study Fellowship class and began to learn so much. Things started to become so clear, and I understood things like I never had before. I developed a love for Bible studies and have attended many through the years. God created His word to work in so many different ways and it amazes me how the Word of God is so living and active. You can read the same verse so many times and yet still hear something new and different from Him each time it’s read!”

Some (she says she has a lot) of Rolonda’s favorite verses include: Jeremiah 29:11 “I have always claimed this as a verse over my life. It gives me such comfort knowing that God has GOOD plans for me and that I have such a secure hope laid out before me!”  Second Corinthians 12:8 “I love to remind myself often that my weaknesses can be used for His glory by letting His power shine through in these areas. There can then be no doubt that it is Him working!” Philippians 4:13 “Going right along with the theme of weaknesses, when I feel discouraged or insecure at times, I can remind myself that I can do all things through God who gives me strength. I have come a long way in my walk with Him. I have often been scared of trying new things that scare me, where I don’t feel I will succeed, but as I’ve grown, I’m learning to lean on Him. If things don’t work out, I can know that it wasn’t meant to be, and I can move on. As long as I keep Him in the center of my life I can’t go wrong! Ultimately I can 'Trust in the Lord with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding.'” Proverbs 3:5

When I asked Rolonda who has had a strong influence in her life, she said she would have to say her own father and her grandfather. “They both had a strong love for God and His word, living their lives consistently striving to serve Him faithfully. I would often come downstairs in the morning to see my dad reading His Bible. He was probably the sweetest and most caring man I have ever known. His love for God shone in all areas of his life! He has Alzheimer’s now and is in the end stages, but up until maybe a month ago he was still quoting scripture!”

In her free time, Rolonda says that she is happiest when she is able to be outside.  She loves working in her flower beds, taking walks, camping, reading (although there never seems to be enough time for that lately), and especially loves being anywhere on the water. Their family owns a boat and often spends time at the lake with extended family, enjoying everything there is to do on the water.  "Although, I have to say that springtime is my favorite season. It’s always so exciting for me to get back outside, to see flowers starting to bloom again, and the anticipation of summer coming soon!” Rolonda’s favorite holiday is Christmas. “I love to decorate and the anticipation of what’s to come.  All of the family times together and the celebration and remembrance of the gift God has given us – our Savior!”

What is the best thing about being a woman? And, do you have any advice for young women or mothers? The things I probably love most about being a woman are shopping for ‘girly’ things, wearing jewelry and boots, make-up, scented hand lotions, and I’m also thankful I have hair to curl! :)  I also love being a mom! And I love how women are usually able to share feelings more openly with others and how quickly we can bond with other women. The advice I would give is to forgive quickly. It’s so much easier if you can do this right away! To those who are married, take time to date your husband from the very beginning of your marriage and do it regularly, not matter how busy you get or how hard it is to get away from the kids. To those who have children, ENJOY the time you have with your kids – it really does go so, so quickly!!

Quick questions:

Something people may not know about you? Ted and I had an outdoor wedding my parents' backyard – the house that I grew up in. We left the reception in a hot air balloon with about 200 balloons following us – let go by our guests.
What makes you laugh? Things that probably make me laugh the most are the funny things that   can come out of my kids' mouths, just about everything that my dogs do, (a bulldog named Stella and a Shitzu named Sophie) and honesty from friends about when they do weird things – especially when I can relate. 
Three words to describe yourself? Compassionate, a good listener, and fun-loving
Shy or outgoing? A little of each. I’m an introvert, but love to be around people, too.
Tomboy or princess? A little of each again.  I love girly things, but also love to play and get dirty.
Coffee or tea? Coffee!
Oceanside or mountainside? Oceanside
The perfect meal? Favorite foods? Bonefish Grill. Fresh seafood. Avocadoes. Cilantro. Just about anything seasoned with garlic.
Worst food ever? Liver
Morning person or night owl? Morning person
I’d love to travel to: Anywhere with a beach! Italy!
Listen, read, or watch to learn? Read
Favorite Bible character? Esther. Love the courage she shows!
Three things that bring peace to your life and/or help you relax? Scented candles, flavored coffee, and having the windows open.

Thank you Rolonda, for sharing your heart and life with us, as well as your time - as you serve the women of Sugar Grove!


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Joyce Miller

By Julie Overholt

Maybe you’ve noticed it too? The more I have the privilege of interviewing and writing about the women of SGC, the more I am coming to appreciate how very different we are – in interests, pasts, and giftings! Isn’t is just so neat? I love it – and I love how He draws us all together through unity in Christ! Please join me as we get to know Joyce Miller.

Joyce and her husband Tom have been attending Sugar Grove for approximately eleven years. A year after moving up from Mississippi, they were searching for a good Bible teaching church, similar to the church they had attended in Mississippi, when Becky Troyer invited them to SGC. They were so blessed by Dr. Perdue’s messages, they continued to attend while he was preaching.  Becky, her husband Mike, and family moved to serve the Lord in ministry in Maine, but Joyce and Tom continued on at SGC.

Tom and Joyce have been married for 57 years (!!) and wed at the Silver Street (now Silver Wood) Church with the first snow of November just starting to fall when they left the church. “We met at the 4-H Fair when our Holstein heifers were tied side by side. Tom was so kind, he carried the water pails for me. We didn’t have our first date until four years later. I was then a senior and Tom had just completed his 1-W service at White’s Institute – a correctional facility for children. I believe these two years were the best training, as he was always great in disciplining our children.”

Tom and Joyce lived in Mississippi for 36 years, raising their four children there. Two of their children are now pastors - one in Macon, Mississippi and the other in Meridian, Mississippi. They have a son living in Baltimore, Maryland, working as a salesman and serving as a deacon, as well as a daughter who lives in Pigeon, Michigan, who enjoys being a parish nurse. (“Something our church needs to think about also – it’s a great ministry!”) 

Their children are all in their fifties or near fifty years of age. “I tell them they are in the best years of their lives! You’re free from most of the worries of child raising, and still have a high level of physical energy. While in our fifties, we were able to do our best years of service. We opened our farm to thousands, mostly children. They were able to touch and learn about God’s farm animals. It was my mission to give the children something positive to remember for the day. When a child goes to bed at night and thinks of a good time, sleep will be more peaceful.” 

Tom and Joyce enjoy ten grandchildren and three great-grandsons. About every two years they enjoy the blessings of being together when they rent a camp and spend several days together as a family. Having grown children and now grandchildren, her advice for mothers is to be a mother who will be remembered as a PRAYING mother. “One Mother’s Day, while teaching a five year old Sunday School class, I asked the children to tell me something special that their mother did for them. Of course the usual answers of cooking, reading to me, and playing with me were given, but then one child said, “My mother prays.”

Tom and Joyce continue to work for the Essenhaus. In the summer, Joyce manages the mini golf course, while Tom manages the carriage rides. Then, during the months of October, November, and December, they work together making gift baskets. “We are happiest when we can work – and be – together. Tom has learned to recognize what colors make for attractive basket presentations. Now, he even notices when my clothes match!” :) Then, in the winter months of January through April, they continue to enjoy working together when their small herd of sheep have their lambs.

Joyce grew up in the church and it has always been very important to her. “I remember praying on my knees as a child and talking to God as if He was right there in my room. I do not remember a date when I said, 'Here’s my life, Lord, be my Savior,' but there have been many times when the Lord has been extra close and it is such a wonderful blessing to think of these times. When I have been very lonely in spirit, the Lord has used the song What A Friend We Have In Jesus numerous times. I’ve heard this song on a walk in a park when stopping at a chapel, as well as hearing a chorale singing it. These are just two examples.” 

A verse that is particularly meaningful for Joyce has been from Psalm 19:14: “Let the words of my mouth and meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.” When the meditation of her heart and her thoughts are on the Lord, the peace she feels has given her much joy.

Joyce enjoys being in Bible studies that include women from different denominations and in her free time she also enjoys reading and doing Sudoku puzzles. “Yesterday I noticed the first signs of spring flowers starting to appear from under the snow. Flowers are my passion. I like to always have at least one arrangement in the house during the growing season. While living in Mississippi, Tom would often stop along the road or field while working the ground, and bring me a bunch of wildflowers before he mowed them off. I believe the field flowers are the best.”

Some things you may  not know about Joyce include the fact that they had the privilege of mentoring many people in their home and on the farm. They started with Fresh Air boys from inner city Chicago in their first year of marriage. Then there was the time when ten boys got into trouble on their farm. (Really? Boys would do that?) *wink* For punishment, the sheriff made each of them do ten hours of work for Tom and Joyce. Another occupant they housed was a displaced older man from Poland who lived with them for several years. “He had suffered so much.” Many of the teens that they mentored only stayed for several weeks. “Through the years our guests have taught us many things. Each person came with their own issues, and as I reflect back I often think I should have said more to give them a desire to walk closer to our Lord.” 

In addition, something that you may not know about Joyce is while in the business of producing strawberries and blackberries, she had a weekly, fifteen-minute cooking show on TV, with a new recipe for these fruits being presented each week. “This was interesting and fun, but a lot of work! One time we even presented a seven course meal in the field.”

The best thing about being a woman: Being treated like a lady.
            Favorite season: Spring. Remembering our risen Lord at Easter
            time and all the signs of new life.
            What makes you laugh: Wholesome humor.
            Three words to describe yourself: Caring, organized, energetic
            Shy or outgoing: Outgoing
            Tomboy or princess: Princess
            Coffee or Tea: Tea
Oceanside or mountainside: Both! Oceanside while viewing a sunrise or sunset. Mountainside when looking up to see the splendor of God’s creation. “I will lift up my eyes to the mountains; from whence shall my help come? My help comes from the Lord, who made the heaven and earth.” Psalm 121: 1-2
Favorite meal: A meal surrounded with family or friends.
Morning person or night owl: Morning person
Favorite Bible character: Esther – because of her courage. And Mary, the sister of Martha, who chose the better thing by sitting at Jesus’ feet, listening and learning.
What brings peace to your life and/or helps you relax: Sipping a warm cup of milk while reading a good Christian short story.

Thank you, Joyce, for sharing your life with us! 

Ladies, I hope you enjoy the new life that will be springing up all around us in the coming weeks! And may the One who is doing a new thing (Isaiah 43:19) work in all of our hearts to renew our spirits as we encourage each other as sisters in Christ.
